Even before the pandemic, many locals preferred to travel within the country, with domestic tourism totaling $21.9 trillion yen ($167 billion) in 2019, according to government-backed Japan Tourism . Plus:youll soon be able to spend six weeks in Thailand, visa-free. Hearing your feedback about your experiences is both interesting to us and helpful to other readers, so please share your thoughts or questions below in the comments!.fca_eoi_form{ margin: auto; } .fca_eoi_form p { width: auto; } #fca_eoi_form_7990 input{ max-width: 9999px; }#fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_form_input_element::-webkit-input-placeholder {opacity:0.6;color:#444444;}#fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_form_input_element::-moz-placeholder {opacity:0.6;color:#444444;}#fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_form_input_element:-ms-input-placeholder {opacity:0.6;color:#444444;}#fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_form_input_element:-moz-placeholder {opacity:0.6;color:#444444;}#fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_layout_3.fca_eoi_layout_postbox div.fca_eoi_layout_submit_button_wrapper:hover, #fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_layout_3.fca_eoi_layout_postbox div.fca_eoi_layout_submit_button_wrapper input:hover {background-color:#933b00 !important;}#fca_eoi_form_7990 .fca_eoi_layout_3.fca_eoi_layout_postbox 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Japan is famous for . Constitutionally, the Japanese government cant mandate something like mask wearing. Then theres the middle ground or base case. Japan has some of the biggest, boldest and most exciting cities in the world, frozen-in-time samurai towns, remote alpine villages, tiny islands brimming with contemporary art, and mountaintop temple communities unchanged for centuries. Single entry visa and multiple entry visa issued by Embassies, Consulate-Generals, and Consulates of Japan in all countries/regions whose validity had been temporary suspended resumed on October 11, 2022. Are you concerned that Japan wont reopen until 2023, or think October is still realistic? Thatll help you prepare for arrival, and potentially save time at the airport. Children traveling with triple-vaxxed (ie, boosted) parents are exempt from the pre-departure Covid test requirement, whether or not theyve been vaccinated. Can you really see Japan's best bits on a budget? This is despite Japans Go to Travel campaign that subsidized domestic travel, which was offered at various times during the last two years. But from 11 Oct 2022, travellers are free to explore Japan independently . Previously, travellers were required to join a tour group to enter Japan for leisure. That this would be achieved in such an unexpected setting on the comments section of a single article on a white-and-orange travel blog, which came to accumulate nearly 3,000 comments as though it were a 2000s-era forum feels almost too ridiculous to be true. The government is planning to allow independent tourists to come to Japan and exempt them from visas if they have been vaccinated three times or submit a pre-arrival test result, Fuji TV reported Monday. Wherever you choose! June 23, 2022 The government will also take measures to stimulate and jump-start the economy. Visa-free travel is possible for all countries that originally had this arrangement with Japan, which includes countries like Australia, New Zealand, the UK, most of Europe, the US and Canada. Think those will stick around for several months, or are simply theater to shift public opinion? Ahead of the highly anticipated move that would boost the country's struggling tourism industry, the government may accept a limited number To learn more see our FAQ, Rust belt province got old before it got rich, as much of China will. It was finally announced that from October 11, 2022, the borders would be reopening to visa-free tourists. Please add japantimes.co.jp and piano.io to your list of allowed sites. The country has also dropped its daily cap of 50,000 arrivals and its list of permitted countries, with visitors from all countries and regions now being accepted. Contents. Japan will reopen its borders to foreign tourists June 10, 2022, but only to package tour participants for now, officials said Thursday, as the country starts to cautiously open its borders to . This is because Japan has formally decided to downgrade the legal status of the novel coronavirus on May 8, 2023 to the same category as common infectious diseases, such as seasonal influenza, thereby easing COVID-19 prevention rules. Travel agencies eye discounts for those vaccinated for COVID-19. Your subscription plan doesn't allow commenting. While the stares have eased, and it is okay to take off the mask at the table, make sure to wear it if you need to use the toilet or even to speak to a waiter. Thats a wild card that could further extend any timeline. Visa-free travel has also been reinstated for travellers from dozens of countries (see which ones here), though there are still several border measures in place. Travel restrictions such as visa requirements and arrival caps were removed on October 11th, and Japan is fully open for tourism. Visa-free, independent travel is now possible for most nationalities. Japan's public transport system is among the best in the world, its jewel the high-tech, high . This is good news for travelers like you hoping to travel to . Basically, travelling with a guide either as part of a group or a private guide just for you and your travel companion(s). All rights reserved. As for why Japans border is still closed over a year after most democracies reopened, that can largely be explained by the countrys apprehensiveness of outsiders. Japan also began allowing unguided tours, meaning ones not accompanied by tour conductors. Ive missed it so much. For these two-plus years, weve been closely monitoring the situation in Japan, watching several hours of NHK each day and reading multiple Japanese news sources. Tourists from all countries or regions can visit Japan on a package tour (including non-guided package tour). Compared with the pre-pandemic level in 2019, it dropped 99.2 percent. The Japanese government has been working on a borders reopening schedule since April 27 to help revive the economy. In a time of both misinformation and too much information, quality journalism is more crucial than ever.By subscribing, you can help us get the story right. Thanks again for all the work you put into this. You may still need a negative Covid test within 72 hours of flying to Japan (see details below). Istanbul is one of the most important tourism spots not only in Turkey but also in the world. Thanks for your commitment, communication and consultation over the last 2 years. According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, 206,500 foreign tourists visited the nation in September. Amid the weakening yen, inbound travelers will have greatest economic effectThere are many foreign visitors who want to come visit Japan. Kihara added that eliminating the arrival cap alone was not enough. Authorities have arrested Australians for working in the entertainment industry while in Japan on tourist visas. Some facilities such as museums, aquariums and theme parks require prior booking or a ticket purchase. We were wrongthe unguided tours offered two steps forward but one step backwards. sheeesh still cant believe my trip starting october 22nd might actually happen this time (). If you are unvaccinated or not boosted, you need a negative Covid test. Your updates were by far the best I could find on the internet and helped lots of us getting through this (dare I say; emotional) rollercoaster the past several years. "We will lift the ceiling of the number of entrants into Japan, lift the ban on. Our trips to Japan come in two travel styles: Check out our Small Group Tours departures calendar, Check out our Best of Japan itinerary its perfect as inspiration for a first-time trip. We recommend checking with the facilities you want to visit before heading out. Ill never forget this amazing, special blog and the unlikely community of shared pain that flourished here for as long as I live. Hi Tom and THANK YOU for everything this platform had AND still has to offer! By Lilit Marcus, CNN Published 9:20 PM EDT, Sun July 31, 2022 Link Copied! "The Group's Director, Public Relations, Takamoto Yokoyama also said that after the development of the Shri Kashi Vishwanath Dham Corridor in Varanasi, the number of . A key challenge will be to make the country more responsible and open-minded to foreigners. Beloved for its unique mix of vibrant urban culture and natural beauty, the country is lifting its tight regulations on foreign tourists, according to a tweet Thursday from Taro Kono, Japan's. For now, however. Putting aside how I obviously need to be clearing my web history more often, it all feels so surreal now that is, how religiously I checked this comments section for news on Japan not even half a year prior, a somewhat embarrassing fact that Firefox is keen to remind me of. During the Bloomberg New Voices panel,Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said she would open the countrys doors tomorrow if it were her decision. If they are accompanied by a guardian such as a parent who has a valid vaccination certificate and who will supervise the children, they will be regarded as holders of valid vaccination certificates, the test certificate will be exempt as their guardian. This is a major policy shift and will relaxif not eliminate entirelyJapans intensive COVID-19 countermeasures, including limiting the movements of infected people and their close contacts. . The reopening to tourism was very slow and gradual, but there are not any constraint anymore and anyone can travel freely to Japan. Together, youll craft your itinerary. Japan's borders could be set to reopen in March after being closed to tourists for two years. The U.S. Embassy strongly urges any U.S. citizens considering travel to Japan to carefully review the information available from the Government of Japan. Subscribe to our email newsletter for the latest news & instant alerts. 1) Register for "Visit Japan Web". Economic benefits of international tourists is one big reason why Japan is expected to reopen its border. our decades of expertise, 24/7 support and tried-and-tested safety protocols in the unlikely event of Covid-related travel disruptions during your trip. 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